Bismillahillazi La Yadurru Ma Asmihi With Urdu Translation

Rasulullah saw didengari berkata sesiapa yang berdoa dengan nama allah yang tidak memberi mudharat akan sesuatu yang dibumi dan yang dilangit selagi bersama dengan nama nya dan dia maha mendengar lagi maha mengetahui.
Bismillahillazi la yadurru ma asmihi with urdu translation. Is the all hearing and all knowing nothing will harm him abu dawud and at tirmidhi. ب س م الل ه ال ذ ی ل ا ی ض ر م ع اس م ه ش ی ء ف ی ال ا ر ض و ل ا ف ی الس م آء و ھ و الس م ی ع ال ع ل ی م. Bismillahil ladhee la yadurru ma asmihi shayun fil ardi wa la fis samaa i wahuwas sami ul aleem. Bismillahil ladhi la yadurru ma as mihi shai un fil ardi wa la fis sama i wa huwas sami ul alim in the name of allah with whose name there is protection against every kind of harm in the earth or in the heaven and he is the all hearing and all knowing nothing will harm him abu.
Also recited in wird al latif of imam al haddad. The messenger of allah ﷺ said he who recites three times every morning and evening. Meaning in the name of god with whose name nothing in the earth or sky can do harm for he is the all hearer all knower. Best dua for life protection in urdu bismillahillazi la yadurru ma asmihi save life wazifa hifazat ki dua in arabic hifazat ki dua in english hifazat ki dua.
Al huda welfare organization. Mar 25 2015 du a for morning and evening bismillah hilladi la yadurru ma ismihi shay un fil ardhi walla fissamahi wahuwal samiyul aleem ameen. Bismillahil ladhi la yadurru ma as mihi shai un fil ardi wa la fis sama i wa huwas sami ul alim in the name of allah with whose name there is protection against every kind of harm in the earth or in the heaven and he. The messenger of allah said he who recites three times every morning and evening.
Bismillahillazi la yadhurru ma asmihi syaiun fil ardhi wala fis sama ie wa huas sami un alim maksud ayat. Bismillahillazi la yadurru ma asmihi in arabic urdu and transliteration dua for protection islamic treatment evil eye edit this is an extremely important dua that every muslim should learn by heart and make it part of their daily zikr and tasbeeh.